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Ring-bearers, flower-girls, and junior bridesmaids have always played a traditional role in the wedding ceremony. This is a wonderful way to include special nieces, nephews, cousins, and your own children on your special day. Children may play an additional role as a train-bearer. A train-bearer walks behind the bride and carries her train. Traditionally, the ring-bearer and flower-girl were gender specific, but today either a boy or a girl could work in these roles. Flower-girls, ring-bearers, and train-bearers are usually under 10 years old. Junior Bridesmaids are usually between 10 and 14. One thing to remember when planning your wedding, children under 5 can be unpredictable. They may have a hard time remembering their responsibilities.

When choosing attire for your attendants, the style needs to be appropriate for the age of the child. Flower-girls may wear a dress that is the same color as your bridesmaids or the brides dress. A junior bridesmaid usually wears the same dress as the bridesmaids. If the style is a mature style, you could choose a similar style that is more appropriate. Ring-bearers and train-bearers may wear a tuxedo to match the other men in the ceremony. If you have a very young boy, he could wear dress shorts or knickers that coordinate with the wedding party.

During the rehearsal for the ceremony, your child attendants may need some encouragement to remember their place during the ceremony. Tiny attendant rewards are a great way to help the child or children remember where they need to stand. The reward is placed at the altar. The rewards have a friendly teddy bear face with a pouch. Fill the pouch with a special treat, such as a personalized candy bar or a card with a special message. After the ceremony, they may keep the reward and the special treat.

Traditionally, a ring-bearer would carry a ring pillow down the aisle. For a fun twist on the tradition, your ring-bearer may carry "Ringo", the teddy bear. This teddy bear is dressed for the special day in his black tuxedo and ribbon ties to secure the wedding rings. Your flower-girl may carry "Rosie", the teddy bear instead of a traditional flower-girl basket. She is dressed with a floral headpiece and carries a bouquet just like the bride. Each teddy bear comes with a sweater to wear after the big day. These bears are a great gift for them to keep as a momenta.

Personalized gifts are a great way to show how special your tiny attendants are to you. Engraved or embroidered with his or her name and date, they will have a momenta to remind them of the role that they played in the wedding. Banks, mugs, and keepsake boxes make special keepsakes for a child. Little flower-girls love jewelry. Place her wedding day jewelry in a pouch or trinket box for a special gift set.

If either of you have children, your wedding is more than just joining the two of you. You are adjoining two families. Family Medallions are a unique way to include the child or children in your special day. During your rehearsal, ceremony, or reception, have a special presentation of the medallion to the child. The medallion is a momenta that he or she will keep with them forever.

"I'm in the Wedding Too" is a guide for your flower-girls and junior bridesmaids. This book contains descriptions of the role they will play on the wedding day. The book describes the wedding party, showers, rehearsal, ceremony, and the reception. It describes what they will wear and what they should practice. For example, they should practice walking around in their dress and shoes, because this is different than walking around in jeans and tennis shoes. There are pages for drawings, photographs, and spaces to fill in information about the rehearsal, ceremony, and the reception.

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