Don't be Late for School! Study! Study! Photography, Work, Wedding Photography

m.e. studios photography

In order to book a prom, a sales and marketing presentation usually is made to a high school dance committee, adviser, or promoter. Make sure the presentation is given to people who have the decision- making authority.

The following are some do’s and don’t’s for such a presentation:


1. Create a display board showing the packages you offer. It is easier to "show" than "tell"
2. Prepare your presentation — know in advance your delivery times, prices, and packages.
3. Offer your expertise in designing and setting up the prom ‘set. The people you are selling to don’t know your requirements for display space, lighting, and backdrops.
4. Speak the language of the people you are presenting to. Most committees, advisers, etc. don’t know the photographic terms. (i.e. — film emulsion, f-stops, density, and color balance).
5. Tell them what your photography will do for them. Remember, their students are buying high school memories, not photographic paper.
6. Be enthusiastic. You will help make their prom a fun, successful occasion.
7. In marketing your prom photography, it always helps to have something different to offer. Thus, three dimensional sets, or door prize drawings. These differences can compete effectively with a presentation by a lower-priced competitor. (Ex.: ‘Yes, Brand X studio has lower prices, however, my creative prom set and unique overlay on the prom photographs make my photography a better value. Shall we sign the contract today?")


1. Go to your presentation unprepared.
2. Offer just one package.
3. Let the school have complete control of designing the prom set.
4. Go without a display board or at least samples.

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