Don't be Late for School! Study! Study! Photography, Work, Wedding Photography

m.e. studios photography

All models must mail out a professional portfolio package (comp card, head-shot, ZED card) to casting directors and agencies. Models are required to go through various photo shoots and create a modeling portfolio. Putting together a portfolio is an absolute MUST for every aspiring model! The portfolio should include a number of photos and a resume. Comp Cards or ZED cards are popular types of modeling portfolios, and usually contain 4-7 body poses. Some established photographers have reliable connections, which could lead to a modeling job right away. Your resume must include your current contact information, your height, size, weight, measurements, previous training and recent work. Professionals hire based on your modeling exposure and experience. The key to your success is to select a well-established photographer who can capture your best features to help create a more exotic look.

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